20250222 Thought-terminating cliches

Aka semantic stop signs It is what it is Boys will be boys Everything happens for a reason Try to look on the bright side This too shall pass It's always darkest before the dawn What doesn't kill you makes you stronger Time heals all It could be worse ...
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20250122 Refuse to comply in advance

"Refuse to comply in advance." YES… and realize that the ability to follow this directive is proportional to one's privilege. Those with more privilege should lean into it to protect those of less privilege, while the latter should compromise as needed to survive. Above all, stay alive and intact. ...
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20241230 Adversarial vs. collaborative

Adversarial: coercion, competition, zero-sum, scarcity. Goal: gain advantage Collaborative: consent, cooperation, synergy, abundance. Goal: mutual success I constantly notice these patterns—but as with all dualism, life is more complicated. Most people are just doing what seems best in the moment: following loyalty to self or various groups in their Venn diagram—which may or may not result in best long-term outcome for themself or their groups. ...
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20241224 Lankavatara sutra

This page is part of my exploration of Mahayana Buddhism: https://listed.valdelane.net/55455/20241003-mahayana-buddhism So far I have found the Lankavatara sutra largely impenetrable. I include it because Chan tradition says it was the only sutra Bodhidharma brought from India: « The Chan tradition stems from the imposing figure of Bodhidharma, the alleged founder of the tradition who came to China as a Buddhist missionary in the fifth or sixth century C.E. Unlike other missionary monks wh...
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20241212 Provisional

Everything and everyone is provisional, in progress, in transition at all times. In a snapshot we are beings, but in life we are becomings. Expand equanimity by embracing impermanence. ...
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20241203 Appropriate degree

Refining process: Approach every situation with curiosity and alacrity Apply an appropriate degree of vigilance, flexibility, and confidence Be bold without hubris; explore, while conscious of one's purview Remember there is no obligation to engage, and Non-action (wu-wei, going with the flow) is often better than action (intervention) However, when action is the correct response do it with finesse and grace If necessary to continue, do it sustainably ...
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20241004 Zen

Since the early '90s I have been dabbling in Zen without knowing much more about where it came from than India → China → Japan. This year it felt important to become familiar with the origins and eventual fusion into the form recognized and practiced in the West. I have been exploring and collecting some relevant texts as they illuminate my path. This is the top page of my study framework. It is succinct according to my interest and connection to the material. It omits many key scholars/authors...
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20241003 Mahayana Buddhism

This page is part of my exploration of the origins of Zen: https://listed.valdelane.net/55456/20241004-zen "The Mahayana tradition teaches that all beings inherently possess buddha nature, the seed of awakening: thus perfecting the qualities of a buddha the buddha-to-be can remove hindrances to realization even within a single lifetime. The Mahayana spiritual model is the bodhisattva, who is motivated by bodhicitta, the desire to awaken to help all beings realize their true nature." More at:...
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20241002 Taoism

This page is part of my exploration of the origins of Zen: https://listed.valdelane.net/55456/20241004-zen "Taoism or Daoism is a diverse philosophical and religious tradition indigenous to China, emphasizing harmony with the Tao—generally understood as an impersonal, enigmatic process of transformation ultimately underlying reality. The concept originates in the Chinese word 道 (pinyin: dào; Wade–Giles: tao4). Although Taoism has no simple definitions, possible translations of Tao include 'w...
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20241001 Trust In Mind

This page is part of my exploration of the origins of Zen: https://listed.valdelane.net/55456/20241004-zen « Trust in Mind (Hsin Shin Ming) by the 3rd patriarch of the Zen Dhyana Sect, Jianzhi Sengcan (Seng T'san), is probably the first Chinese Zen document (6th century) … a creation arising from the blending of Indian Buddhist, Chinese Taoist, and Chinese Chan doctrine. » —Jan Chozen Bays « … when the traditions of Buddha’s teachings, Taoist naturalism, and Chan come together in Trust in ...
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20240930 Chan

This page is part of my exploration of the origins of Zen: https://listed.valdelane.net/55456/20241004-zen Chan is the Chinese school of Buddhism emphasizing direct experience. Chan has roots in Mahayana Buddhism but it dropped the religious complexity and created something fresh. « From the Chan perspective, the goal of life is to live fully as a human being, with one’s inherent potential completely developed. This means to become a buddha. To become a buddha means to “wake up.” The goal i...
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20240929 Lieh Tzu

This page is part of my exploration of the origins of Taoism: https://listed.valdelane.net/55454/20241002-taoism "The Book of Master Lie, ( Liezi /Lieh-tzu) is a Taoist classic of uncertain origin and history, named for an obscure individual of unproven identity or existence. Records of its constitution and transmission are controversial. And yet the book of Master Lie is one of the greatest works of cognitive art and educational science that has ever been produced." —Thomas Cleary Translat...
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20240928 Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu

This page is part of my exploration of the origins of Taoism: https://listed.valdelane.net/55454/20241002-taoism The Tao Te Ching (Daodejing), ascribed to Lao Tzu (Laozi), is a Chinese classical text widely considered the foundation of philosophical Taoism. Here is the Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tao_Te_Ching There are hundreds of Western language translations from various sources. Some 150 English translations are available here: https://terebess.hu/english/tao/_index....
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20240927 Chuang Tzu

This page is part of my exploration of the origins of Taoism: https://listed.valdelane.net/55454/20241002-taoism "This work defies the dreary but prevalent notion that the serious is the important, that the playful is the inconsequential, and above all that we are under some obligation to draw conclusions about ourselves and our world, and then stick to them." —Brook Ziporyn "The central theme of the Zhuangzi may be summed up in a single word: freedom. Essentially, all the philosophers of a...
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20240926 Lotus sutra

This page is part of my exploration of Mahayana Buddhism: https://listed.valdelane.net/55455/20241003-mahayana-buddhism "The Lotus Sutra is one of the most important and influential of all the sutras or sacred scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism, revered by almost all branches of the Mahayana teachings, and over many centuries the object of intense veneration among Buddhist believers throughout China, Korea, Japan, and other regions of eastern Asia." —Burton Watson Overview: https://www.learnr...
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20240925 Vimalakirti sutra

This page is part of my exploration of Mahayana Buddhism: https://listed.valdelane.net/55455/20241003-mahayana-buddhism Vimalakirti exemplifies the bodhisattva ideal and reveals that enlightenment is available to anyone, layperson or monastic." — www.learnreligions.com/major-mahayana-sutras-450031 "While the Buddha is teaching outside the city of Vaiśālī, a notable householder in the city—the great bodhisattva Vimalakīrti—apparently falls sick. The Buddha asks his disciple and bodhisattva d...
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20240924 Diamond sutra

This page is part of my exploration of Mahayana Buddhism: https://listed.valdelane.net/55455/20241003-mahayana-buddhism "The [Diamond] sutra is a discourse between the Buddha and his disciple Subhuti. It is so named because it ‘cuts through’ ignorance and delusion like a diamond, and its teachings are as indestructible as the gemstone itself. The sutra explores the concept of ’emptiness’ or ‘sunyata’, a key tenet of Mahayana Buddhism, and the idea of non-self or ‘anatta’." — spiritualcultu...
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20240923 Heart sutra

This page is part of my exploration of Mahayana Buddhism: https://listed.valdelane.net/55455/20241003-mahayana-buddhism "The Heart Sutra is the most widely recited scripture in Mahayana Buddhism. It is a text revered by millions of people and regarded as the most succinct presentation of the dharma. In its short form, the text summarizes the selfless experience of reality in meditation, and how this transcends our usual way of thinking." —Kazuaki Tanahash Several translations of the Heart S...
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20240922 Avatamsaka sutra

This page is part of my exploration of Mahayana Buddhism: https://listed.valdelane.net/55455/20241003-mahayana-buddhism "The Flower Ornament Scripture, called Avatamsaka in Sanskrit and Huayan in Chinese, is one of the major texts of Buddhism. Also referred to as the major Scripture of Inconceivable Liberation, it is perhaps the richest and most grandiose of all Buddhist scriptures, held in high esteem by all schools of Buddhism that are concerned with universal liberation. Its incredible we...
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20240902 Entities are complex

From a dream last night: Entities are complex. Attributes are some observed data measuring those entities. Categories are judgments about the patterns and importance of those attributes, always losing detail. Models further reduce fidelity, encoding relationships between those categories in a specific context, usually in service to a pre-established goal, and only incidentally advancing real understanding about the entity. Wisdom is allowing the entity to be whatever it actually is, messy and un...
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20240720 Polyamory / ethical non-monogamy

I recently prepared some notes for a talk about polyamory aka ENM (ethical non-monogamy). Here are some excerpts. This is not a HOWTO, just my take on a few things. Basics like explicit and honest communication are assumed. During my monogamous relationships I was faithful by the usual meaning of that word. During my poly relationships I was and remain faithful—that word meaning all partners are aware of one another, and I have explicit agreements with each and behave accordingly. I don't ...
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20240223 How to stop procrastinating

If you wait long enough, every decision and todo become moot 🫠 One of my partners is either a world-class procrastinator or a Zen master, I can't tell which. Waiting is often wise. Some decisions and actions should pend more information or others to do their part. Sometimes leaping in to "fix" something can be more harmful than not. I have to use both rationality and intuition (one or the other isn't enough) to decide and rank actions. We don't always have the oomph to do the thing, and we m...
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20230925 Make a Band Edible

Bachman Turnovers Charcuterie Boards of Canada Crash Test Gummies Crosby, Stills, Mash, and Bung Depeche à la Mode Dr. Dement-O's Édith Pilaf Eurythmix Fatboy Slim Jims Filo Brazillia Godsnack Goldfrappé Imogen Peep Jackson Brownies Jane Seaberry Almond Joy Division Manford Manwich Pomplamousse Spice Grills Thompson Twix Veruca Saltines ...
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20230304 Fried chickpea tabbouleh

The classic salad requires bulgur. However, I don't enjoy bulgur and I'm mad for chickpeas in any form, so... Cooked chickpeas, canned is fine, drained Extra virgin olive oil, fresh* Salt Salt and gently fry chickpeas in plenty of fresh olive oil*. Be patient, keeping temp well below smoking/flash point until golden brown. Set aside to cool. Persian or English cucumber(s), peeled, quartered lengthwise, then sliced Bell pepper(s), orange and/or red, cut into pleasing shapes Some of your f...
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20221111 Failure is fine

Failure is fine. Fail early, fail often, learn more! HOWEVER: First, explore consequences. Consider how to minimize harm. Plan how to fail gracefully and transparently, preferably with early warning. Add guard rails if it's dangerous. Then practice failing so you get better at it. Instead of hiding a mistake: readily admit it, adjust, and try again. This promotes a culture of accountability, appropriate confidence, and freedom to continue experimentation. Am I referring to personal behavior? Bus...
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20221009 Descriptive vs. prescriptive categorization

Descriptive categorization is a form of data compression into common symbols, facilitating quick thought and efficient communication. Humans usually ossify descriptive to prescriptive because 1/ that's easier than continually scanning for new patterns and adjusting; 2/ rigid categorization is the key to control—or the perception of control—which appeals to the powerful and insecure alike. Nature laughs at static categories! Like, we could all be having such a more fun and interesting time if e...
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20220527 Elder care

Friends have asked for guidance around aging parents. Here are some of my thoughts as a caregiver. Engage and encourage elder(s) in as much physical and mental activity as they can enjoy/tolerate. Of course everyone needs rest, but it's astonishing how quickly abilities degrade without use. There is a gap between operating independently and ran out of money and needs daily medical care (when federal/state benefits kick in for a skilled nursing facility). Some people decline so rapidly there is...
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20220115 Observe gaps and select next project

Two types of gaps are under consideration. Both are disparity between what is and what could be: Resource: potential that could be tapped to generate power Problem: difference between desired and actual situation Resource gaps and problem gaps are of different types but in the same cycle. They both represent opportunities that should be evaluated before committing to a project or system. Resources draw first attention because they are easy to understand. They range from obviously valuable (...
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20220102 My personal directives

REDUCE Expenses Assumptions Low quality distractions Possessions of low utility (factors include beauty, comfort, amusement) Premature optimization when faced with quandary (problem that can only be managed, not solved) Attachment to outcomes (suffering disparity between expected and actual) Unnecessary complexity Frustration when I fail to anticipate something or be prepared for it. Related: Excessive self-sufficiency rooted in trauma Pregrets (about "not having done enough"). See section CA...
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20210103 Trying not to try

I don't think Edward Slingerland makes an argument[1] for the Laozian fall from grace. He is just summarizing one of the two "opposing" ancient Chinese philosophies—the other being a Confucian drive to civilize by imposing order. I gather the former is based on the premise that most people are inherently good but are then poisoned by morality; the latter, that most people are inherently bad—or at least lazy—but can be trained. I put "opposing" in quotes because—I believe this is Slingerland's po...
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