20240923 Heart sutra

This page is part of my exploration of Mahayana Buddhism:


"The Heart Sutra is the most widely recited scripture in Mahayana Buddhism. It is a text revered by millions of people and regarded as the most succinct presentation of the dharma. In its short form, the text summarizes the selfless experience of reality in meditation, and how this transcends our usual way of thinking." —Kazuaki Tanahash

Several translations of the Heart Sutra:

https://www.dharmanet.org/HeartSutra.htm or

A commentary on the Heart Sutra using quantum physics as metaphor:

The Heart of the Universe: Exploring the Heart Sutra by Mu Soeng (2010)


A deep scholarly explanation of the Heart Sutra:

The Heart Sutra: A Comprehensive Guide to the Classic of Mahayana Buddhism by Kazuaki Tanahash (2014)

https://terebess.hu/english/Heart.pdf or

This page is part of my exploration of Mahayana Buddhism:


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