20240223 How to stop procrastinating

If you wait long enough, every decision and todo become moot 🫠

One of my partners is either a world-class procrastinator or a Zen master, I can't tell which.

Waiting is often wise. Some decisions and actions should pend more information or others to do their part. Sometimes leaping in to "fix" something can be more harmful than not.

I have to use both rationality and intuition (one or the other isn't enough) to decide and rank actions.

We don't always have the oomph to do the thing, and we must be compassionate with ourselves when that is the case. It's worth examining whether depression, anxiety, and/or ADHD are factors, then addressing those.

When you do have some oomph,

"...the weighted version of Shortest Processing Time is a pretty good candidate for best general-purpose scheduling strategy in the face of uncertainty. It offers a simple prescription for time management: each time a new piece of work comes in, divide its importance by the amount of time it will take to complete. If that figure is higher than for the task you’re currently doing, switch to the new one; otherwise stick with the current task. This algorithm is the closest thing that scheduling theory has to a skeleton key or Swiss Army knife." — Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths (Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions) a high utility book and I recommend it.

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