20031226 RV lesson #19

Picture, if you will, me in the shower enjoying a hot soapy moment. Steamy, right?

The water slows to a trickle, then turns to black slime. This is the second grossest RV moment in my life.

Six gallons of concentrated bleach, three hours, and one favorite pair of ruined pants later, we're pretty sure the water tank is decontaminated. We both smell like we've spent the day in a dangerously over-chlorinated community pool.

The lesson? Povodine-Iodine kills all known bacteria and viruses. It's what they paint on your body before surgery. It is, evidently, not effective against mold. I hate the smell of bleach, and my partner is sensitive to it, so I'd been using PI in the fresh water tank, and lot of it (such a concentration that we didn't dare drink it, just washed). So much for that. We're back to the bleach until I can figure out what else might work. A bubbling ozone-UV filtration system?

Screw the war on drugs and war on terror. What the U.S. needs is the war on mold. Now that is the perfect enemy that can never be eradicated.

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